Learn to read faster in 4 minutes

According to a research, average person reads about 150 words per minute. Speed reading is one of the most vital skills that helps you in various stages of your life. Be it school, college or career, fast reading helps you. Speed reading is a skill which everyone should develop, and this can be developed by getting a training. With some training, one can read beyond 500 words per minute.
Follow these simple steps, and learn how to read faster in 4 minutes:
1. Test your reading speed: First, you must find out the current speed of your reading. For this purpose, read any text for one minute and then count the number of words you’ve read in 1 minute.
2. Use a pacer: Instead of reading normally, use your hand or pen/pencil as a guide to read. Practice reading with a pacer for 1 minute. Using pacers as a guide will help you concentrate more and thus you can read more words in lesser time.
3. Read with a sense of urgency: Decide to consciously read faster than your normal reading speed. Set your mind in such a way that you read at least 5% to 10% faster than your normal reading speed without compromising comprehension. Do this for a minute.
4. Test your reading speed again: Read the same text you have read in step one for a minute. This time use a pacer while reading and try to read faster consciously and with a sense of urgency.
After these simple steps, you will see the instant increase in your reading speed. So how many more words did you read this time?
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